# Calendars

You can use the /v2/users/:user_id/calendars endpoints to manage the calendars of your users.

This API is an extension of the Users API, that's why all url are prefixed with /users/:user_id/. You can refer to the User API reference to have more informations about user creation.

# The calendar object

GET method return the calendarList objects, which contains calendars of the user. Every calendar might contain several subcalendars.


  • sync_suggestions Boolean
    Property of `calendarList` object, if set true - synchronize suggested dates with calendars. Default is true.
  • _id ObjectId
    The `_id` of calendarList.
  • belongs_to ObjectId
    The `_id` of user of calendarList.

###Calendar properties


  • access_broken Boolean
    Connection status, false by default.

  • _id ObjectId
    The `_id` of calendar.
  • primary Boolean
    The user can have several calendars, but only one will be the main calendar.
  • name String
    The name of calendar defined by user.
  • source String
    The source of calendar. It might be Vyte, Google, Office 365 and other sources.
  • source_id String
    The `_id` of source of the calendar.
  • subcalendars Array
    Array of `subcalendar` Objects.
  • ###Subcalendar properties


    • _id ObjectId
      The `_id` of calendar.
    • name String
      The name of calendar defined by user.
    • source String
      The source of calendar. It might be Vyte, Google, Office 365 and other sources.
    • source_id String
      The `_id` of source of the calendar.
    • primary Boolean
      The user can have several subcalendars, but only one will be the main calendar.
    • display Boolean
      If set true, the subcalendar is visible in users calendar.
    • busy Boolean
      If set true, the subcalendar will be displayed as busy.
    • bcolor String
      Defines the background colour for the subcalendar.
    • fcolor String
      Defines the font colour for the subcalendar.
    • writable Boolean
      If set true, the user can add and delete events.

      { "sync_suggestions": true,
      	"_id": "604b9727a7a147a3195f72d2",
      		[ { "access_broken": false,
      		"primary": false,
      		"_id": "604b9727a7a14726d85f72d6",
      		"name": "Vyte",
      		"source": "vyte_user",
      		"source_id": "604b97276793f6001ef96d7e",
      			{"name": "My Events",
      			"source": "vyte_user",
      			"source_id": "604b97276793f6001ef96d7e",
      			"display": false,
      			"busy": true,
      			"color_id": "d",
      			"bcolor": "#c1defa",
      			"primary": false,
      			"writable": false
      			{"name": "My Events OPTIONS",
      			"source": "vyte_user_suggestions",
      			"source_id": "604b97276793f6001ef96d7e",
      			"display": false,
      			"busy": true,
      			"color_id": "d",
      			"bcolor": "#c1defa",
      			"primary": false,
      			"writable": false
      		{ "access_broken": true,
      		"primary": true,
      		"_id": "604b9727a7a147d4d45f72d1",
      		"source": "google",
      		"name": "testuser@gmail.com",
      		"token": "604b97276793f6001ef96d7f",
      		"subcalendars": [] } ],
      		"belongs_to": "604b97276793f6001ef96d7e",
      		"updatedAt": "2021-03-12T16:30:32.230Z",
      		"createdAt": "2021-03-12T16:30:31.835Z",
      		"__v": 1 }

      # Retrieve the calendars of a user

      ENDPOINT Authorization apiKey

      GET /v2/users/:user_id/calendars HTTP/1.1

      Path parameters

      • user_id string

        The id of the user whose calendars you want to retrieve.

      Query parameters

      No parameters.


        An CalendarList object if there is no error.


        curl \
        --request GET 'https://api.vyte.in/v2/users/5f2d28fb1e0662e70071d46b/calendars' \
        --header 'Authorization: vkjvi2bvfo54ssbybmcts0x42z1sbzm6t0mot8trh8i03reno0' \


        { "sync_suggestions": true,
        	"_id": "604b9727a7a147a3195f72d2",
        		[ { "access_broken": false,
        		"primary": false,
        		"_id": "604b9727a7a14726d85f72d6",
        		"name": "Vyte",
        		"source": "vyte_user",
        		"source_id": "604b97276793f6001ef96d7e",
        			{"name": "My Events",
        			"source": "vyte_user",
        			"source_id": "604b97276793f6001ef96d7e",
        			"display": false,
        			"busy": true,
        			"color_id": "d",
        			"bcolor": "#c1defa",
        			"primary": false,
        			"writable": false
        			{"name": "My Events OPTIONS",
        			"source": "vyte_user_suggestions",
        			"source_id": "604b97276793f6001ef96d7e",
        			"display": false,
        			"busy": true,
        			"color_id": "d",
        			"bcolor": "#c1defa",
        			"primary": false,
        			"writable": false
        		{ "access_broken": true,
        		"primary": true,
        		"_id": "604b9727a7a147d4d45f72d1",
        		"source": "google",
        		"name": "testuser@gmail.com",
        		"token": "604b97276793f6001ef96d7f",
        		"subcalendars": [] } ],
        		"belongs_to": "604b97276793f6001ef96d7e",
        		"updatedAt": "2021-03-12T16:30:32.230Z",
        		"createdAt": "2021-03-12T16:30:31.835Z",
        		"__v": 1 }

        # Update the calendars of a user

        ENDPOINT Authorization apiKey

        PUT /v2/users/:user_id/calendars HTTP/1.1

        Path parameters

        • user_id string

          The id of the user whose calendar you want to update.

        Query parameters

        No parameters.

          Body parameters

          • name String
            The name of calendar or sub calendar defined by user.
          • primary Boolean
            The user can have several calendars or subcalendars, but only one will be the main calendar.
          • display Boolean
            If set true, the subcalendar is visible in users calendar.
          • busy Boolean
            If set true, the subcalendar will be displayed as busy.
          • sync_suggestions Boolean
            Property of `calendarList` object, if set true - synchronize suggested dates with calendars. Default is true.


          The updated CalendarList object if no error occurred.

          CODE SAMPLE

          curl --request PUT 'https://api.vyte.in/v2/users/5f2d4abf1e0662386371d475/calendars' \
          --header 'Authorization: vkjvi2bvfo54ssbybmcts0x42z1sbzm6t0mot8trh8i03reno0' \
          --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
          --data-raw '
             "sync_suggestions": false,
             "calendars": [
                {"access_broken": false,
                 "primary": false},
                 {"access_broken": false,
                  "primary": false}

          # Delete the calendar of a user

          ENDPOINT Authorization apiKey

          DELETE /v2/users/:user_id/calendars/:calendar_id HTTP/1.1

          Path parameters

          • user_id string

            The id of the user whose availability you want to delete.

          • calendar_id string

            The id of the calendar whick you want to delete.

          Query parameters

          No parameters.


            Returns the status if there is no error, and returns an error otherwise.

            curl --request DELETE 'https://api.vyte.in/v2/users/5f2d4abf1e0662386371d475/calendars/5f2d4abf1e0662386371d466' \
            --header 'Authorization: vkjvi2bvfo54ssbybmcts0x42z1sbzm6t0mot8trh8i03reno0'


              "n": 1,
              "ok": 1