# Add scheduling features to your app or platform

In this guide, we will explore an other way to add Vyte to your app or platform. This will let you easily add a button in your product to schedule a meting with 1 person or a group.

In fact, we will learn how to generate links to some Vyte Page with pre-defined option as query parameters. For instance, you will be able to create a button to redirect from your website to an event creation page with pre-filled fields.

# Register your app

In this part, we will discover a new notion which is the idea of third-party app and secret key. This differs from the classic API because we will generate a token, and this token will enable us to generate links to some Vyte pages.

So, the first things to do is to register a new third-party app. To do this, we just have to make a GET request at /v2/third_parties/new with document query parameters (api_key authorization is required) :

curl --request POST 'https://api.vyte.in/v2/third_parties?name=acme&contact_email=contact@acme.com&contact_name=ACME' \
--header 'Authorization: 2lnpjjrurrl49xja5oo0qujtl60embr7zppiphc5fcav4n7ycx' \

This endpoint registers your app as a third party app and lets you obtain your app_id and app_secret :

  "contact": {
    "email": "contact@acme.com",
    "name": "ACME"
  "_id": "5f476269f795d9f0df561256",
  "name": "acme",
  "organization": "5f198da1c1ac5d1a30fc00f3",
  "secret": "cfsvut1yp6dd2nuwkxjo",
  "updatedAt": "2020-08-27T07:36:09.179Z",
  "createdAt": "2020-08-27T07:36:09.179Z",
  "__v": 0

Here you can find your app_id - it is an _id in the response. Also your app_secret is a secret in the response. It might be useful to note them, we will need them in the future.

You can set different parameters for the event creation such as title, invitees, places, and message. Here are the available parameters :

Query parameters

  • aid string required

    App ID: your app ID for Vyte. You get it when you register your app with GET /thirdparties/new.

  • agid string

    App Group ID: this is an id you will provide to Vyte, that you will use to identify a group of users such as a team, a project, etc. You can also pass several ID's, separating them by comma.

  • cm string optional if the user already has a Vyte account and is expected to be logged in with it on the same browser.

    Creator e-mail.

  • cn string

    Creator name: useful if the creator doesn't have a Vyte account yet.

  • ct string ooptional if the user already has a Vyte account and is expected to be logged in with it on the same browser.

    Creator token is sed to authenticate the request. See below how to generate such a token.

  • em string

    Event message.

  • et string

    Event title.

  • im string

    Invitee e-mail(s), separated by a pipe (|).

  • in string

    Invitee name(s), separated by a pipe (|). To be used with im, with emails and names listed in the same order.

  • places string

    Event places, with place name and address separated by a single pipe (|) and several places separated by a double pipe (||).

You can link to Vyte using either the first step (/add_invitees), or the second step (/add_details). In both cases, all the parameters will be taken into account.

If the user creating the event already has a Vyte account, you don't need to authenticate him. If he has an account but is not logged in, he will be redirected to the login screen. Once logged in, he will be redirected back to the event creation page.

If you want to enable your users to create events with Vyte, without having a Vyte account, you need to authenticate their email with a simple token system.

# Token generation

So, in the case that our user doesn't have a Vyte accout, let's create a new token to authenticate him. To generate a new token, we will call the /v2/third_parties/token endpoint and give the creator_email and the secret key of our app (the one we got in the response of the third-party creation) as query parameters :

curl --request GET 'https://api.vyte.in/v2/third_parties/token?cm=jane.doe@acme.com&secret=cfsvut1yp6dd2nuwkxjo' \
--header 'Authorization: 2lnpjjrurrl49xja5oo0qujtl60embr7zppiphc5fcav4n7ycx' \

The response provide us a new token for our user :

  "token": "c56675c718dec0566c0f6eb1256d12d4dc7eda779a4f690dcc3f26fc8d312ca8"

Now we are ready to generate our first link to an event creation page. Let's consider that we want a pre-filled page with the following information:

  • the event message: "Important brainstorming for a new feature. We hope you will be at 100% !"
  • the event title: "Brainstorming for a new feature"
  • the invitees are Oscar Simpson (oscar.simpson@acme.com), Emanuel Buckner (emanuel.buckner@came.com), Ezekiel Carr (ezekiel.carr@acme.com) and Zayne Rhodes (zayne.rhodes@acme.com).
  • there is 2 possible places : the office at 2553 Trouser Leg Road, Springfield, 01103, Massachusetts or a coworking place at 4927 Leverton Cove Road, Springfield, 01103, Massachusetts.

So, we just have to serialize/urlEncode all these params to generate the url for our link:


And let's try our new link (it is expected that the final creation of the meeting will fail as these credentials are fake) :

="https://www.vyte.in/add_invitees?aid=5f476269f795d9f0df561256&cm=jane.doe@acme.com&cn=Jane%20Doe&ct=c56675c718dec0566c0f6eb1256d12d4dc7eda779a4f690dcc3f26fc8d312ca8&em=Important%20brainstorming%20for%20a%20new%20feature.%20We%20hope%20you%20will%20be%20at%20100%%20!&et=Brainstorming%20for%20a%20new%20feature&im=oscar.simpson@acme.com|emanuel.buckner@came.com|ezekiel.carr@acme.com|zayne.rhodes@acme.com&in=Oscar%20Simpson|Emanuel%20Buckner|Ezekiel%20Carr|Zayne%20Rhodes&places=The%20Office|2553%20Trouser%20Leg%20Road,%20Springfield,%2001103,%20Massachusetts||Coworking%20Place|4927%20Leverton%20Cove%20Road,%20Springfield,%2001103,%20Massachusetts">Create a new event

Here we are! This is how you can integrate Vyte in your app by easily generating links to pre-fill some information on the event creation page.

# (Optional) Retrieve your third-parties

To retrieve the third-parties you registered with your API key, you can just make a GET request at /v2/third_parties like this :

curl --location --request GET 'https://api.vyte.in/v2/third_parties' \
--header 'Authorization: 2lnpjjrurrl49xja5oo0qujtl60embr7zppiphc5fcav4n7ycx' \

The response will look like this :

        "contact": {
            "email": "contact@acme.com",
            "name": "ACME"
        "_id": "5f476269f795d9f0df561256",
        "name": "acme",
        "organization": "5f198da1c1ac5d1a30fc00f3",
        "secret": "cfsvut1yp6dd2nuwkxjo",
        "updatedAt": "2020-08-27T07:36:09.179Z",
        "createdAt": "2020-08-27T07:36:09.179Z",
        "__v": 0